We have developed and sold a eco-friendly silver salt photo film developer that excludes toxic substance such as Hydroquinone, Adehyde, Boric acid, etc.
It develops and sells silver salt photo film developer for medical X-ray , non-destructive (automatic, manual liquid, manual powder). Graphic art , and electronic PCB.
Consists of 1 each of developer and fixer for all products.
Among them, it is a manual of silver salt photo Film Developer for medical X-ray film, non-destructive (automatic )
1. Mixing Chemicals:.
Chemical Product name Dilution Ratio ( Chemical : Water )
Developer X-DR 6 ; 14
Developer Replenisher X-DR 6 ; 14
Fixer X-FR 6 ; 14
Fixer Replenisher X-FR 6 ; 14
For packing unit 20L ( net content 6L ) *
2. Processing Condition:
Step Chemical Temperature Time
Development X-DR 35 ℃ 22 sec
30 ℃ 36 sec
Fixing X-FR 33 ℃ ± 1.0 ℃ 120 sec
Wash Running water, 5 liters/min 15 - 30 ℃ 1 - 2 minute
Dry - 50 ℃ min -
3, Developer Replenishiment Rate
This standard replenishment rate are indicated below in milliliters per sheet of
25 * 25 cm size film
Developer replenisher X-DR 35 - 40 ml
Fixer repleniser X-FR 60 - 65 ml