Our company is Yuilsanup.
We are manufacturer of developer silver halide emulsion for a long time.
We are developing and producing toxic-free developer ( DEV 1part, Fixer 1part, tar cannot be
created ) for medical x-ray, non-destructive(NDT), electronic PCB, and graphic art.
Hydroquinone and Glutaraldehyde, which are harmful substances, were excluded.
We are the only developers that does not contain toxic chemical for medical x-ray, electronic PCB,
and graphic art.
Especially, our products are the first in Asia.
Of course, color developers are also produced for a long time.
X-DR. FR is a one part developer ( 20L * 2 ( Capacity 6L * 2 ) and fixer for Medical X-ray and NDT
film without toxic subatances such as Hydroqunone and Glutaradehyde.
Lith-DR. FR is a one part developer ( 20L * 2 ( Capacity 4L * 4 ) and fixer for Manual NDT film
without toxic subatances such as Hydroqunone.