- [SAVING FUEL] CARTENTIAL is injected into the car coolant to increase the combustion efficiency of the engine, and after a few minutes after injection, the peculiar smell of exhaust smoke disappears from the muffler.
- [EXHAUST REDUCTION] As it reduces incomplete combustion of fuel, it has the effect of reducing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions.
- [NOISE & VIBRATION REDUCTION] Vehicle noise caused by poor engine rotation is closely related to incomplete combustion. If the vibration is reduced due to the complete combustion of the fuel, the noise caused by the vibration is also reduced.
- [OUTPUT ENHANCEMENT] Since the same amount of fuel is used after injection to have higher energy efficiency, the output can be improved. This makes for a smooth ride.
- [REDUCE UREA SOLUTION] In the case of a diesel vehicle, the amount of ureasolution is reduced by 90% as the exhaust is significantly reduced after injection of CARTENTIAL.
Anyone can do it regardless of kind of vehicle as it is a simple injection method.
✔01. Shake the container of the product sufficiently before use to mix.
✔02. In the case of a car model that has an auxiliary coolant tank, drain about 400cc of coolant from the auxiliary tank and pour it into the tank.
✔03. After injection, close the cap of the auxiliary bottle and start the engine for 5-10 minutes to warm up, then the coolant and CARTENTIAL are mixed.
*CARTENTIAL can be used for all vehicle types regardless of gasoline, diesel, or LPG vehicles.