It enables a variety of putting practice methods with one product.
Perfect for placing or carrying on a putting practice mat.
We call this an all-in-one putting gate.
The soft fabric reduces the risk of putting scratches and reduces noise, reducing the burden of practice time.
It's especially good for RBI practice and batting practice.
Your putting skills will improve a lot.
Includes 6 drill golf putting practice features.
1.Putting stroke check
2.Check Puttinng distance
3.Putting correct hit point Ball check
4.Putting correct hit point chip check
5.Putting correct hit point Low point check
6.Putting correct hit point club ave check
You can customize your own design.
I can make it for you if you suggest your creative patterns and designs.
We can discuss both shape and color design.
Don't be afraid and feel free to contact me.
Our sensational designer is ready for anything.
Experienced manufacturers and our design and functional putting trainer products can make your thoughts come true.
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