Fittrix is a B2B service designed for managers who sell personalized wellness services and products.
50% of adults continuously suffer from back and joint pain every year. More than 80% of MSK (musculoskeletal) disorders are caused by wellness issues, as they are lifestyle diseases. However, there is no reliable musculoskeletal data platform in the wellness area.
For attracting and retaining customers, it is essential to design and manage personalized health services based on musculoskeletal function information.
Fittrix accurately and easily conducts comprehensive musculoskeletal function assessments (such as posture and size&ration, muscle and joint function, and health-related fitness ability) in an unmanned manner, interprets the data in a way that customers can understand, and fully digitalizes the entire process, including data management. This reduces management costs and supports the growth of B2B health businesses by encouraging customer acquisition and continuous engagement.
The unique values provided by Fittrix are:
1. An all-in-one 'assessment-interpretation-management' unmanned system that supports busy sites.
2. Over 70 AI musculoskeletal assessment data points to enhance the expertise of personalized consultations and coaching (KFDA verified 96% reliability).
3. Customer-friendly result interpretations, injury risk assessments, sports functionality predictions, and 3D visualizations.
4. Tools to simplify customer management, including 'AI reports, mobile coaching, and an administrator dashboard.'