"Bul-dak-bal" is a Korean dish known as "fire chicken feet" in English. It consists of chicken feet that are marinated and cooked in a very spicy sauce, often made with ingredients like red chili paste, garlic, and ginger. The dish is famous for its intense heat and bold flavors, and it is typically enjoyed as a spicy, flavorful snack or appetizer.
IC DAKBAL creates precious meals for our families. With convenient and healthy recipes, you can trust what you eat. IC DAKBAL’s special sauces and fantastic flavor combinations offer the taste of high-quality direct grilling.
translations for each of those Korean dishes:
무뼈닭발 (Moo-bbeo-dak-bal): Boneless chicken feet
반목발닭발 (Ban-mok-bal-dak-bbal): Half-boned chicken feet
로제닭발 (Ro-je-dak-bal): Rose chicken feet (chicken feet in a creamy, pink sauce)
불막창 (Bul-mak-chang): Spicy grilled pork small intestines
불곱창 (Bul-gop-chang): Spicy grilled beef small intestines
불꼬리족 (Bul-kko-ri-jok): Spicy grilled beef tail
오돌뼈 (O-dol-bbyeo): Spicy cartilage (usually from beef or pork)